More watercolor. Trying various papers I had on hand. At time of publication I will be 42. Life, the universe, and everything. I will also be on my way to summit 120 on the year. 120 teeth = 3 full horses. Here are some water color paintings of faces and things. The thought of selling these crossed my mind. I have no concept of their worth. If you’re interested in buying any of the originals, shoot me an email. Happy to mail them anywhere in the US for $25 each.
Finished Rusty Brown this past week. The sequence that describes an infant’s introduction into the world and early stages of learning from the point of few of the child is truly stunning. Another sequence that describes a character’s exit from this world was just as revelatory. The author is at the pinnacle of his craft. Truly beyond mastery. No words.
Dropped off books at the library and picked up a collection of hiking books. I’d been longing for winter and now that it’s mostly here I can’t wait for spring and summer. Started “A Walk In The Woods” which I’ve read before and am enjoying again. A warm up to some of the others that were recommended.
I’ve struggled with this thing for over a decade. A necessary tool in this modern age. A strict requirement in my line of work. An irresistible thrall. An all consuming life suck.
I recently set the display to black and white. Seemingly instantaneously it lost it’s unnatural pull. Is that all it takes? Why didn’t I do this 12 years ago?
Project ideas have been stewing and may or may not see the light of day. But it’s a nice change from a few years ago when that part of me had long since atrophied. This newsletter may not yet have a solid thesis but it’s been good for me anyway.
Thanks for reading. Have a good week.
I really am liking your use of watercolour Mark.
Wonderful watercolours again. 💚
I think they'd make really good dividers between sections of articles. So good!