There’s this theory that you shouldn’t keep a backlog - you shouldn’t save the good stuff for later. As the theory goes, there is a river of ideas running through all of us. Holding on to one for too long will block the river and prevent new ones from flowing downstream. It’s best to take what the river gives you, do the what you can with it, and move on.
Each work is but a snapshot of a moment. A moment that will not define you. A moment that only represents the period within which it was made. Hold on to anything too long and you may move past it. Your efforts lost along with your connection to it.
Ideas will continue to flow downstream. Some will be better than others. But your best work is as likely to be ahead of you as it is behind.
I was encouraged by a subscriber to ignore the “too long for email” warnings from Substack - to just keep sharing the good stuff. So I’m gonna do that. I’m choosing to have an abundant mindset and share as much as I want. Let’s clear the river for more gifts from upstream.
If you see a link to read the rest of this post on Substack - you know what to do.
I tried instagram again last week. Can you guess how it went?
I’ve been low-key obsessing over bags for a while now. I don’t need anything fancy. I used to have a bag I made out of a couple old t-shirts. I miss that bag. It was perfect.
I work from home and don’t really get out much if it’s not for groceries, shuttling kiddos, or going for a run. So I decided to take a little out and back on the Max and see what came of it.
Sometimes when I’m not really feeling it, I just draw things on my desk. It’s low pressure and usually leaves me in a better mood after.
Here’s some drunk octopus coat hooks.
And here are some tools in my comics kit.
Ok, I think that’s it. If anything left was ever worth sharing it’s past it’s moment. I’ve moved on. Time to dip my toes in the river and see if anything good’s floating by.
Did you get this far? How was the journey? Too long? Not long enough? Just right?
Don’t forget to subscribe - Fez needs pets! He’s the goodest boy!!
Gosh, I love this.
I made a decision this week that everything I allow into my inbox must leave my inbox more joyful than it found it. This is exactly what I was looking for. Joyfully subscribed!