With the time saved, I made this other thing.
Here’s a silly animation I made this week. It’s 16 frames and contains 144 individual drawings. At 10 frames a second, had I focused on only a single face or object I could have had a 14 second animation. Given that this only took an hour or so, with a bit of discipline I could make something rather substantial.
Jen and I were talking about how we do a great job at new and exciting household things that can be conceived and completed more or less in a single go. It would probably benefit us to put a little more work into long term projects.
There is a large pile of laundry in the basement that needs to be folded. But it’s cold and I don’t want to. Jen suggested we fold. But again, it’s cold and neither of us want to. It’s not new and exciting. It’s laundry.
After a bit she looked at me a little frustrated and said “If you’re not gonna fold I won’t either!” I quickly shouted back “Deal!”
Given how close it is to the holidays I considered not doing a newsletter this week. I thought about doing an early year end review. Thought about doing a big giant grid of heads. Thought about finally finishing some comics I have written but have never done anything with. I thought about doing many things.
In the end I did this animation. It’s 16 frames and plays in an infinite ping pong loop.
Yet another thing. Conceived and completed in the same effort. I really gotta work on follow through and coming back to old ideas that have promise.
A lot of pages this year. To what end? I should probably spend some time digging back in. To what end?
This past year I’ve made a lot of stuff. A box full of zines. Another box full of zettels. A whole pile of notebooks. Sketchbooks. Watercolors. Shelves. Garage furniture. A lot of stuff.
Running aside, I haven’t really stuck with any long term projects. If an idea isn’t executable in the same sitting as it’s conception it just goes on the pile with rest of it.
I’d like to work on that this year.
Perhaps I can write something longer than an 8 page zine. Or maybe I can plan meals and get to race weight. Maybe instead of an ever shifting “routine” I’ll actually stick to something that’s sensible and realistic.
Maybe I’ll write these things in advance again.
Or maybe I won’t write these things at all.
I don’t know.
Time to sleep again. Almost 7am.
I love that really simple style!
So fun! I love how much there is to look at. I've been watching for awhile, looking at a different face each time.