Happy thanksgiving! My favorite holiday of the year.
Here are some comics and character portraits from the week as I continue to experiment with watercolors.
Thanks for reading.
Speaking of reading, I finished Jimmy Corrigan last week. It was fantastic. I knew that going in as I’d read it already, but still. I’m currently reading Rusty Brown - a sort of spiritual successor about awkward kids growing up in the 70s. So far so good.
Still watching a lot of football. I’ve never followed the sport like I have this year. Partly the result of having a local team I like - go Broncos! - and partly the result of it being an excellent distraction device that I don’t feel particularly guilty about employing.
The racing season ended in October and while I have continued to run, I haven’t felt the same urgency. It’s good to take a break from something you’ve focused on for 10 months or more. Goals for next year are beginning to materialize. Some realistic - others not so much.
I’ve become more and more interested in overnight hiking and fast packing depending on the company. I’ve never really done either but with the opportunities available here it seems foolish to ignore it much longer.
Perhaps the most enticing goals are those I set for myself. Not an established race or organized art event. Just something that sounds hard and worth taking a swing at. Grateful to have the health and opportunity to spend time doing pointless things for pointless reasons.
Trying to enjoy this while it lasts.
I'm digging the watercolor. That's a cool sticker too. I'm more casual with my running than you, but feel the words well.
Really liking the use of watercolour Mark. Really elevates the sketches and brings out character. Look forward to the next batch. M