Feb 15Liked by Mark Luetke

This is nothing short of incredible, Mark! The level of precision and craft in the structures of your process is a work of art in and of itself.

My capturing and collection process isn't nearly as intricate, it's also digital, but I think the onus is similar. I throw everything into my Evernote indiscrimately. It's my notebook, my index, my spiritbox in one cloudbased place. Because Evernote it's searchable I have my own personal database of information I can search through from anywhere. I have a "Musings" notebook in Evernote where keep all my fragmentary thoughts and halfshod ideas. I think of the notes as stockpots. As I read and think and contemplate and review and 'muse' I keep adding little scaps of little bits. to each of them. I keep stiring and tasting and testing. They stay at a low simmer until they're ready to move to the front burner, until they're ready to be served.

Here's to the process nerds, haha!

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